

If my sketches could think...

I sometimes wonder if my drawings are thinking something other than they're meant too. She looks like 'just count to 10 Everything will be FINE...'


Publisher Weekly

So this got tweeted! Just hope I can do it all justice in the tight timeframe I've put on myself getting married, moving flat and going away on Honeymoon! Ha!


Hermione Granger

I've shockingly only recently started reading Harry Potter!! I can't put them down. Here's a quick doodle of Hermione!


Colour Collective- Celadon

Ran out of time for today's #colour_collective #celadon as I'm foolishly doing my taxes on a Friday evening 😫 however, here's the #workinprogress. I like to colour block big scenes until I'm happy with roughly how it looks, and then go back through, neatened up and add details at the end! ✏