Have no idea why the font won't behave in the previous post. Ho hum. Heres some lovely pics of things I've been and done and seen running from top to bottom:
British Sea Power The Grove Wimbledon, The Black Keys Brixton, Guy Fawkes and Emilys birthday, The Sultan cat, my foxes, Richmond, London Waterloo, my brothers ushanka hat I nearly kept but sent it him as on exercise in Canada, Wood and I at Henry J Beans when BSP played Wimbledon Calling (such a lovely chap!) my fox cub, Gibbs Navy cycle from Lands End to London, Richmond on a last day of Summer, flowers from Peds, my Dahliettas, view from the Tate Modern cafe, a handsome Dan Snow at Hay Festival, Lulworth Cove Dorset the day England lost to Germany, me and a fellow Greek mythical creature at Secret Garden Party, American Ben who we took under our wing this summer. Just picture perfect isn't he?