
little birds in progress!

Another work in progress. I can't quite think what best to do with them as yet! :)


Finished Henny Bear and Duck illo!

Another finished page today. Really need to storyboard something for these two :) 

Wedding Cards!

I've been wanting to do a range of greeting cards for ages, and finally making a start, adding to the xmas cards I did here's some wedding ones!


Work in progress!

Whats started out as some doodles is now possibly a fledging story about a bear called Henny and a duck. Working up colouring one of the doodles, just need to add some texture and I think it's there!


Happy New Year! Long overdue post!

Hope you all had a lovely winter holidays time! Just before xmas, I was selling my xmas cards at the first Yoillo! market stall.  Here is the guy behind it, Rob Barrett displaying the wares!

Hopefully there'll be more over the year. It was good fun setting up the stall.

In other news, remember the doodles in the first book I did with Philip Weeks? Well there's now a second book all about Painful Bladder Syndrome!
 Here's a few snaps. I wish I was allowed to do the covers on these things :)