
Make Yourself Better, Philip Weeks (published illustrations!)

This arrived in the post today! The little doodles I did (which you can see coloured in an older post) seen here in the book!


The Divan Parisien Restaurant, New York.

I discovered this weekend my Great Grandfather's Italian Swiss branch of my family, and traced his brother Angelo Martinoli to have had 2 wives (the first remarried declaring he was dead, when he was very much alive and had emigrated to New York with a new 10 years younger Italian wife, Eugenia Perino. He was drafted into WW1 and WW2 at 56 being a speaker of Italian, French and Spanish) and worked as a waiter in the Divan Parisien Restaurant, which I've discovered where the dish Divan Chicken came from. Sounds like an awful dish mind.